Someone Will Get the Handle End of the Broomstick - the Question is Who?

It is the age old question of who should the government be supporting? Democrats generally believe it is the common man, specifically the poor, and Republicans think it should be businesses. The reality is that it should be a balnce of the two since neither can exist in a vacuum. Right now though we have a clear conflict of interests and a gigantic problem that as no obvious way out. It seems that the problems have been caused by a mix of government interference and investor greed coupled with bad individual actors (be they stupid, lazy, greedy, or whatever). This makes the challenge of helping the helpless or innocent very difficult to do.
Judge Allows Delphi to End Benefits - "NEW YORK -- A federal bankruptcy judge ruled Tuesday that Delphi Corp. can terminate health benefits for certain retired workers, a move the auto-parts maker says is critical to keeping its reorganization on track.

The step by the former General Motors Corp. subsidiary would affect about 15,000 people."


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