Gathering Storm: Sustainable Life-cycle Business Models

'Ecoflation' Set to Rattle Supply Chains | World Resources Institute:
"Increasing pressure on natural resources will mean higher costs along corporate supply chains. Only firms that incorporate environmental sustainability into their business practices will be well-positioned to meet the challenges ahead.

After climbing rapidly for two years, prices on commodities such as oil and wheat have declined since the financial crisis hit, yet upward price pressures on these goods look likely to resume in the long-term. Approximately 60 percent of the planet’s ecosystem services are degraded or currently being used unsustainably. Climate change will further degrade these ecosystems. In addition, population growth and increased levels of consumption in India and China will further stress our planet’s finite resources."
I would guess that the source on this is more on the alarmist side - not to pass judgment on their findings. Regardless, I highlight it because it underscores what I think will be the meme of business for the next 8-20 years.

Sustainable Life-cycle Business

In part we can expect to see this as a response to the new administration's view on the nature of our world. Nuanced, interlocking, and interdependent. Or so I hope/project.


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